The data age has reached facility management

Big data sometimes seems like a far-from-my-bed show. But a lot of data is also collected within the facilities services. And those who deal with it smartly will benefit greatly from it.

There is a lot of talk in the media about collecting and
analyzing data! These stories describe how organizations become smarter, more efficient
and can work more sustainably through Big Data. Think about forecasting
customer needs and reducing walking routes in a fulfillment center.
Theoretically, the possibilities are almost endless, but for many organizations
Are such applications really still a thing of the future?

Data in the facility chain

Yet data is certainly also crucial for the facilities manager.
In essence, all measurements that he or she takes or has taken are also data. And if
you have data, you can analyze it and you have a means to
processes more efficiently and improve the quality of the service
improve. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a digital overview of
all measurements in the facilities chain? You can think of, for example:

DKS, VSR-KMS or ER-KMS checks by location;

The experience measurements per room;

The financial performance of the facility service providers;

The realization of KPIs such as sustainability, social return, absenteeism and employee satisfaction;

Checking agreements based on Veneca guidelines and the Hygiene Code for Contract Catering (HACCP)

When this data is collected over a longer period, conclusions can be drawn from it. As a facility / contract manager, you will receive answers to questions such as:

Can the processes (e.g. the cleaning program) be improved to improve the end-user experience?

Which establishments perform poorly when it comes to hygiene in the company restaurant? What efficiency benefits are possible?

Does the supplier comply with the agreements regarding, for example, sustainability and social return?

Is it necessary to make contractual adjustments?

Collecting data with GRIP

These kinds of insights are no longer a thing of the future. Using the GRIP software, you can collect data from various types of measurements, ranging from cleaning checks and experience measurements to mystery visits and hot drink vending machine checks.

Our software then helps you get more value out of this data
to get through this:

Efficient to process;

Exchange them with partners in the facility

Monitor and analyze them.

Get even more out of data

Do you want to dive even deeper into this data? That is also possible! The GRIP software offers the possibility to analyze the data built up within the platform with your own Business Intelligence software, such as Microsoft Power BI. This way you can tailor your own analyses, resulting in new insights.

Welke digitale oplossingen
zorgen voor meer GRIP?

Dit is waarom
zij kozen voor GRIP!

“Als ik Grip in 3 woorden zou moeten omschrijven is het overzichtelijk, duidelijk en je kunt het naar je eigen hand inrichten. Tot nu toe zijn wij super tevreden over het gebruikā€

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