“With GRIP, you can discover with just one click how easy contract management can be, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: optimally managing and monitoring contracts.”
Contract Dashboard
Our solutions take each step towards data-driven facility contract management. Through digitization, we seamlessly integrate with other systems within the application landscape, ensuring a streamlined and connected work experience.
Collaborate in the cloud with colleagues, suppliers, and external consultants, and collect various data.
With our alert function, you gain timely and clear insights into contract duration, contract agreements, costs, KPI reports, and meeting notes. This way, you can effectively manage all outstanding actions, making collaboration with various stakeholders easier than ever.
Do you also maintain Grip? Our benefits:
Contract informatie
Op ieder moment een compleet overzicht krijgen van de contractinformatie of opzoek naar de juiste contactpersonen?
In ons dashboard sla je d.m.v. onze viewerfunctie alle contract informatie eenvoudig en overzichtelijk op en registreer je:
Looptijd van het contract
Contactpersonen & contracteigenaar
Type Indexering
Het dossier is een aan een contract gekoppelde opslag voor relevante documenten, zoals: belangrijke datums, risico analyses, overeenkomsten en calculaties:
Bepaal zelf wie welke documenten kan inzien
Krijg meldingen van contract hoogtepunten
Sla notulen & gespreksverslagen op
Signalering en opvolging acties
Geen contracten meer die ongewenst worden verlengd? Met onze signaleringsfunctie, blijf jij altijd een stap voor en behoud jij de controle! Krijg automatische meldingen over aflopende contracten, (onder) prestaties, afgesproken deadlines en acties.
Beheer alle acties & meldingen van facilitaire verstoringen tot klachten:
Eenvoudig inzicht per contract, perceel of locaties van openstaande acties
Stop met mailen, verzamel acties en analyseer acties via GRIP
Koppel een KPI aan bepaalde gecategoriseerde meldingen
In ons dashboard manage je zelf de afgesproken KPI’s voor elk facilitair contract:
Open API klaar voor gebruik, eenvoudig informatiestroom te koppelen
Altijd direct en realtime inzicht in prestatie op service, KPI, regio of locatieniveau
Maak gebruik van bestaande structuren en grafieken
Verzamel informatie op een generieke manier
Beheer de kosten
Beheer en analyseer de kosten van jouw contracten overzichtelijk:
Daadwerkelijke uitgaven vs prognose
Inzicht in uitgaven patroon in een bepaalde periode
Signalering boven contractwaarde
Contract Information
Easily access a complete overview of contract details or find the right contact person with GRIP’s dashboard. The viewer function allows you to store and register all contract information clearly and efficiently, including:
Contract duration
Agenda widget
Contacts & contract owner
Contract agreements
Indexing type
Processing data
The file is a contract-linked storage space for relevant documents, such as important dates, risk analyses, agreements, and calculations. Features include:
Control who can view which documents
Receive notifications of key contract highlights
Store meeting notes and reports
Alerts and Action Follow-up
No more unwanted contract renewals! With our alert function, you stay one step ahead and retain control. Receive automatic notifications for expiring contracts, underperformance, deadlines, and actions.
Manage all actions and alerts, from facility disruptions to complaints:
Easily track open actions per contract, location, or area
Stop emailing—collect and analyze actions via GRIP
Link KPIs to specific categorized alerts
In our dashboard, you can manage the agreed KPIs for each facility contract:
Open API ready for easy data integration
Real-time insights into service, KPI, region, or location performance
Utilize existing structures and charts
Collect information in a standardized way.
Manage Costs
Easily manage and analyze the costs of your contracts:
Actual spend vs. forecast
Insights into spending patterns over a specific period
Alerts for exceeding contract value
Price agreements
Discover our Sustainability
module: Grip on Impact!
In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, our Sustainability module within the Contract Dashboard provides a powerful tool to gain insights into your organization’s impact on people, the environment, and society. This module helps track and manage sustainability goals, ensuring your operations align with your environmental and social responsibility objectives.
Track and measure the impact of your organization on the environment and society.
Generate comprehensive reports that meet the requirements for ESG reporting.
Monitor multiple suppliers based on sustainability KPIs in a single dashboard.
It provides real-time insights into progress in key areas.
Make sustainability goals measurable with clear visualizations.
Collaboration is key!
That’s why GRIP Facility seamlessly integrates with other software to help you better manage your facility contracts. Currently, we offer API’s with various systems to ensure smooth data flow and enhanced efficiency.
Are you building a sustainable future together?
By transforming data into valuable insights, you lay the foundation for sustainable decisions with impact. This not only helps you save costs but also strengthens your company’s image. Work more effectively on sustainability, demonstrate results, and create an organization that is future-proof and ready for tomorrow’s challenges.